Unknown or mystery geocaches often use encryption to obscure a set of coordinates or a message. The geocacher must figure out what encryption method is used in the puzzle and then crack the code. This page will collect various encryption resources that can be used to solve these puzzles.

Caesar Cipher
AKA: Caesar's cipher, the shift cipher, Caesar's code, Caesar shift, ROT13 (shift of 13)
Type: Substitution cipher
Description: Each letter in the message is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet.

Caesar Cipher Codebreaker

Vigenère Cipher
Pronunciation: Pronounced "vidjenair"
Type: Substitution cipher
Description: Each letter in the message is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet. However, there is a different shift number for each letter based on a predetermined key.

Vigenère Cipher Codebreaker

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